There are three effective oral erectile drug, whose effect is based on inhibition of PDE5 enzyme. comparative studies on the effectiveness of these three drugs have been scarce. Already published studies have methodological weaknesses, which is why the drawing of conclusions based on them is difficult. Now referoitava research meets quite well the methodological quality criteria.
The purpose of the study
The aim was to compare the efficacy and safety of sildenafil and vardenafil in patients with erectile dysfunction, and in addition to diabetes, hypertension and / or hyperlipidaemia. The study, patients received either drug in random order (= randomized, randomized) and the patient nor the attending physician did not know what medicine to examine each received (= double-blind, double-blind), and the medication was changed in the mid second study (crossover). Each patient, therefore, received both drugs, both 4 weeks and did not know what medicine during each period he received.
The study involved 1057 men, whose average age was 58 years and with erectile dysfunction had lasted for at least half a year. All subjects had a permanent relationship. Erectile dysfunction meant the inability to achieve or maintain a sufficient erection to perform sexual intercourse. Patients had to be diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension and / or high cholesterol. Patients received either 100 mg sildenafil or vardenafil 20 mg.
Viagra is a sildenafil based ED medicine
Kamagra is also a Sildenafil based ED medicine like Viagra
Vardenafil is tadalafil based like Cialis
The studied variables
Patients were asked about the end of the study either medicine he preferred. The alternative was the fact that both drugs had the same condition. In addition to this main question patients were asked at the end of each 4-week treatment period a number of questions describing the efficacy of a drug, such as "We were able to take your partner's penis into the vagina? (= Question SEP2) "," Did your erection long enough to perform sexual intercourse (= question SEP3) ". The international index of erectile (IIEF) was used to measure the degree erektionhäiriön.
38.9% of the patients had had most preferred vardenafil, 34.5% considered the preferred sildenafil and 26.6% held the same footing medicines. IIEF index came slightly greater improvement than vardenafiiliryhmässä dose group. Vardenafiiliryhmän patients also had a slightly more positive answers to questions as possible SEP2 and SEP3 (SEP2 83.90% vs. 82.28% and 74.44 SEP3% vs. 71.55%). Side effects were similar in both groups, the most common side effect is headache. This occurred in 10% of vardenafiiliryhmässä and 11% of the dose group.
Research shows that the test group of patients, vardenafil is not always the treatment of erectile dysfunction not lower than sildenafil. In fact, vardenafil was marginally better in terms of a number of commonly used efficacy measurements.
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Lemaire, docent Juhana yard comment:
The study shows that sildenafil and vardenafil that are very good drugs for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction and on the basis of this research it is difficult, if not impossible, to set them categorically ranked. Patients are always individuals and patients with other suitable second drug better and the other second. In that sense, both the patients and the treating physician advantage that the market has been choices. Vardenafil and sildenafil in addition there is also a long-acting tadalafil. When treating patients with erectile dysfunction, you should certainly try another PDE5 inhibitor, if the first experiments with the drug did not get a proper response to treatment.
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